Wednesday, January 15, 2014

3 Ways to get Your Child Excited for School

School Should be Fun, Right?

Welcome to 2014! How excited was your child to go back to school after a carefree, fun, and relaxing break? Chances are he or she was not too thrilled. They just had a couple weeks of late night slumber parties, movie nights, sleeping in every day, and most importantly, no homework. Getting your child back into the routine of waking up early and doing homework can be quite a struggle, that’s why it is important to get them excited about learning. Here are some tips that will help your child get excited about going back to school.

1) Start Fresh

Maybe your child didn’t have such a great first half of the year. If they have negative thoughts towards how they are going to do this half, help them shake that feeling off. Let them know it’s a new year and they will have plenty of opportunities to succeed and do rock star work. If able to, get them a new writing utensils and notebooks, a back pack and lunch box; maybe even personalize them. They will for sure be starting out completely fresh now. Just staying positive with them is key. Let them know you will be there 100% when they really need your help.

After school, ask them how their day went; that’s when they know you really care about them. If it wasn’t such a good day, listen and give them you’re advice. If they had a great day, praise them and let them know how proud you are of them; this will make them want to succeed all the time.

2) Get Back into a Routine

Waking up early is so rough when you’re a kid, especially after you were up all night gossiping and watching movies with your best friends. A few days before break is over, start back up with their school bed time; that way it will be easier for them to get up in the mornings. Once break is over, you won’t have to drag them out of bed. Start their mornings out with a fun and well-balanced breakfast. Remember it’s the most important meal of the day!

3) Get them Involved in Extracurricular Activities

Sign your child up for an activity or two. Playing a sport or having a piano lesson gives them something to look forward too instead of having to go straight home and do more school work. It will also help them blow off some steam if they had a bad day. Maybe they will make a new friendship! Make time to watch their practices and games, and attend lessons; you know they want to show off their mad skills to you.

Now that you know a few tips that will help your child get back into the groove of things at school, try them out! You will have a much happier child and they will want to go to school every day.

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