When it comes to summer activities, swimming is on the top of the list for many children. Kids flock to local swimming pools, beaches, and lakes looking to soak up the sun and have a little fun in the water. As parents, this means it is very important for us to teach our children safe swimming practices. Here are 5 swimming safety tips to ensure that your child is safe while swimming this summer.
Typically it is considered unsafe to dive into less than 8 feet of water, but that does not stop some kids from jumping into the shallow end. Many jump head first into the water, not knowing their surroundings or the distance to the bottom of the pool. It is important to teach your children not only when and when not to dive, but also how to dive properly.
Many believe that if they are under the water they are unlikely to be sunburnt. That is simply not the case. In fact, the sun’s rays can be strengthened by 50 percent due to the reflection of the water. This can cause serious sunburn if your child is not protected. Always make sure they are wearing waterproof sunscreen while enjoying the water.
Flotation Devices
One of the first things every child should know before going to a local pool is to not run around the edges. Many injuries, accidents, and even deaths have occurred due to a child running on the outside of a pool. Always make sure they are taught to walk and look out for wet areas.
While most lakes, beaches, and pools have certified lifeguards near them, it is always important to go into the water or stay near the water with younger children, even if they have flotation devices on. Accidents do occur so be careful and assist your child when needed.
When practiced safely, swimming is one of the best activities your children can do during the summer months, just make sure they know the swimming safety tips from above before they enter into the water. So get out and enjoy the sun and the water with your family. Safe swimming everyone!