Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Positive Outcomes of a Fundraising Student

The Fun in Fundraising
paragon 2.jpgFundraising is a mutually beneficial endeavor. For the giver, it provides them with the knowledge that their contribution is helping to make a difference. As for the receiver, they are able to use those contributions towards helping those in need. Yet, this could not be achieved without the individuals who collect these contributions. For school fundraisers, these collectors are the students themselves, and they receive an array of benefits from their fundraising experience.

The Many Perks of Helping Others
First of all, these students are building confidence. It can be intimidating to ask for funds as a young student. These students are prone to meet new people that are interested to hear why the funds are needed. The students then discuss the cause in hopes that their words will inspire others to give. Not every individual will donate, but when one does, the student will build the confidence to continue asking others.
paragon.jpgAnother benefit of fundraising for students is that it provides healthy competition. Students enjoy working for something when they know there is a reward at the end of it. This will cause the student to understand that the more effort put into something the more they will receive in the end.

Lastly, these students will learn about responsibility. Many fundraisers provide students with a folder in which to collect funds. These folders are entrusted with students and they have full responsibility of the contents inside. This shows the students that the success of the fundraiser is quite literally in their hands, and they will be more cautious of how they care for the collected funds.

Fundraising is an Accomplishment
The most important benefit is the feeling of accomplishment. Whether these students raise one dollar or a hundred, they help their school get nearer to a goal. At Paragon Promotions, we believe that fundraisers will continue to be a successful way for schools to reach their goals- one reason being the students, another being us. We want nothing more than to see every school grow to provide their students with the best possible education and experience. Visit us here, and discover how we can help your school achieve your goals.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Spring into a New Season with Family Activities

It is finally spring and it seems as if a whole new world has been opened! The grass is green again, and outdoor activities are in full bloom. Now, there are several ways to take advantage of the beautiful weather to come. We decided to compile a list of four great activities that are sure to get the most out of your family’s spring.

Start a Garden Together

Starting a garden is a smart way to save money on produce during the season. There are several fruits, vegetables, and plants that your family can pick from, and seeds are relatively inexpensive, so each family member can select something different to grow. Growing the items is also a wonderful way to teach your children about the importance of care and nourishment.

Take a Walk

You don’t have to be an athlete to take a walk around the neighborhood. Yet, it’s still a simple way for your family to stay healthy. Taking a walk not only allows for everybody to get out of the house, but it provides a great opportunity to converse with the family. Find out their likes, dislikes, hopes, and dreams. It will also strengthen your relationship as they grow older.

Spring Cleaning

Now, we know this idea does not sound exciting, but it is great way to go through old memories. Start by having the family look through the garage. You may find your kids enthusiastic about finding old toys or being able to break out their pair of rollerblades from storage. Yet, most of all, your house will be clean!

Enjoy a Picnic

Spring allows for some of the most beautiful scenery of the year. Have your family start by deciding on the meal for your outdoor feast. Your kids can assist you in the kitchen as you prepare an array of meals like tuna casserole and deli sandwiches. After the meal is complete, drive to your favorite park or find a nice shady spot out in the yard. You can even bring along some games to play when the meal is complete.

Enjoy the Weather
A new season provides plenty of opportunities to get involved with your family. It also provides for a much more enjoyable fundraising experience. We at Paragon Promotions INC. want to provide all our clients with fundraisers that are sure to help them to reach their goals. Check out our different options, and enjoy your spring, knowing that you have nothing to worry about.